The ideal woman was described 2,500 years ago in Proverbs 31–and she has been intimidating her sisters ever since!

Most men, who love their wives and have a desire to live to old age, will have no problem stating that they have the perfect wife who has been the perfect mother for their children. Without fearing for my life, I can honestly say that my wife, Jan, has been the perfect wife and the perfect mother of our children.

But my guess is, if you were to ask her, she would say she falls a little short of that ideal woman in Proverbs 31–I believe most women would feel the same. Sometimes the expectations that we place upon the modern woman is simply unfair. I have overheard some conversations among women I would like to share.

Woman #1 (I will not use real names to protect the identity): “In nearly 40 years of living, a few of which have included cooking, I’ve never used more than four potatoes in a five-pound sack. Every few months, I carry another red mesh bag to the garbage can, arms outstretched, trying not to accidentally touch the waving tentacles.” Let me interpret….”My husband never takes out the garbage!”

Woman #2: “Good News! I married a man who will eat anything. My husband once said “Hey, this is delicious! Can we have it again?’ My answer “No, I don’t knw what it is.” Again let me interpret….”My husband never cooks.”

Woman #3 (A single woman): “I am so tired of hearing ‘Why don’t you get out more? You’ll never meet someone sitting at home. God has a man for you.” If I may “Your expectations may not necessarily fit where I am in my life right now.”

Woman #4 (A young married woman): “Oh my gosh, why does everyone want to know when we are going to start a family.” Interpretation–“Family decisions are family decisions.”

Woman #5 (A stay at home mom): “What does he mean ‘what do you do all?” This is an easy one–“Being at home is work and I really need to be appreciated.”

Woman #6 (A working mother): “I want to cry every time someone says ‘But who cares for your children while you work?” My last attempt to interpret–“Your priorities and my priorities may differ out of need–please stop trying to make me feel guilty.”

I am thankful that my mother, although not the ideal woman described in Proverbs 31, she did her very best and I love, respect and miss her. Jan has done an exceptional job of being pastor’s wife, mother, and a list so long I cannot even begin to describe. I love her with all my heart.

Happy mother’s day to all.

This is my story…